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Advise- Most Valuable Info
Chibinoimoi's Home Page (ie. EKE/EEK)

~I have a feeling that this may be the best part of my Website~


Learn to tolerate and to be responsible. Grow up along the way, but not too much that u wear clothes and make-up that portraysd you to be older than u really are and act to be. Don't act older, be your own age and don't conform to somebody else's crap- be yourown person. And for God's sake put on some clothes or don't wear something so tight! Who the hella re u impressing? no one all they think of u is nothing but a piece of slut or something not worth anything. SOme maynot even be worth to be looked at. Don['t let yourself ignore everything u feel too lazy to bother with. I have so much to talk about and advise, I hope whoever reads this takes my advice and be a better person wether I know you, your problems or anything about you or not. Just don't ignore my words and think it's something that someone else has to follow; you;d just be rebelious and spoiled to understand where i'm coming from. (Sorry I'm insulting u If i am) Listen ones in a while either to my words or to someone who knows what he/she's talking about, you might learn something. Someone in this world does care about u and in a caring way, not nasty or for a catch.
Me: E

*Hug Someone that u care about sometime...
It can be the greatest gift you can give besides telling them how much they mean to you.
 Learn to say sorry even if you know you didn't do anything wrong.  It's the better way to handle things and then you and thats person can talk about how stupid you are or they are blah blah blah.  In short it just really helps at times that you notice your faults and imperfectness.

hey :o)  live a little!!

You see, Be like Me!!

You know i think the best way to enjoy life is to be happy, not to take things forgranted and so much more.  So be more optimistic and be that person thats outgoing.  Be yourself.